Communication strategy



[title_box title= »Our values : »]

The human and the awareness of others


A philosophy of sharing and exchange across HUMAN MEETING and sharing of complementary expertise, network construction in the TRUST and common synergies.





Active listening and analytical skills around a mission framework that defines the steps and the results to be obtained.




Convictions: Having want to develop a strong identity: yours! The AUDACITY to dare an original communication. A relationship of trust over time




[title_box title= »Our job »]

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Our advertising agency will help you build your brand’s image.

Our dynamic team puts all their creativity and expertise into building a strong identity: yours! We analyse your advertising requirements with you. Our advertising agency (based in Les Alleuds, near Angers, Doué-la-Fontaine, Brissac-Quincé, Cholet, Saumur) provides solutions to meet your needs. We provide our advertising know-how as part of a constructive, two-way exchange process with your company, charity or institution. Successful advertising is based on a strategy defined to address a specific issue.


Good advertising hinges on establishing youradvertising objectives. By getting to know you and your company and finding out what’s important to you, our advertising agency is able to offer personalised strategic recommendationsevery step of the way. Together we’ll devise an advertising strategy listing the various resources your company will use to achieve its objectives. Whether it’s advertising for a business or an organisation, we will draw up an advertising plan listing the actions and media required to achieve each target and the message you want to get across within a fixed time scale and budget, using measurement or satisfaction indicators.





[title_box title= »They chose us »]

[posts_grid type= »post » category= »strategie-com » columns= »4″ rows= »1″ order_by= »date » order= »DESC » thumb_width= »270″ thumb_height= »189″ meta= »no » link= »no » link_figure= »yes »]





[title_box title= »Strategy of communication »]

Stage 1: Analysing the current situation
• Analysing the context (competitors, partners, background, results, etc.), tools and/or initiatives already being used and your strengths and weaknesses (SWOT)
• Defining what the issues are

Stage 2: Devising an advertising strategy
• Defining an advertising strategy with a 3 to 5 year forecast (product advertising, B2B or B2C marketing, institutional marketing, internal communications, advertising, etc.)
• Prioritising your targets and messages

Stage 3: Defining the advertising plan
• Offering an advertising plan in line with your 1-year advertising strategy to visualise all the initiatives/resources/media to be used to reach your targets
• Defining the most effective media (press, radio, TV, cinema, billboards, web) and non-media (trade fairs, events, sponsorship) advertising channels to convey your message and reach your target audience

Stage 4: Designing and launching your marketing materials
• Designing and helping you to produce marketing collateral and media – print advertising: sales reports, leaflets, brochures, posters, adverts, press packs, and web advertising: website, web marketing and SEO referencing, SEA sponsors referencing

Stage 5: Audit and analysing the results of your advertising campaign
• Checking and analysing effectiveness: assessing press coverage and return on investment (ROI)

Our approach to advertising strives to promote your image: to your clients, prospects and partners, using these 3 elements:
Actual image (or objective image) = what the company is
Subjective image = how the company is perceived
Desired image = how the company would like to be perceived
Your company’s image is the sum of your different images.

Our advertising expertise will help you to analyse your image (its strengths and weaknesses) and to devise an advertising strategy which can provide the solutions you need.

We believe it’s important to think before you act: « deciding which tools to use only comes after a strategic thinking process and cannot be done instead of this process » emphasize researchers at the Palo Alto school. One of the school’s founders, anthropologist and ethicist Grégory Bateson, took a systemic approach to communication. Our work method follows this approach and covers different phases: observation, listening, action and reaction, in relation to the expectations of your target market, and taking feedback into account. This work method enables us to devise a coherent advertising strategy which fits your needs.



[title_box title= »Desjeux Créations specialises in the following areas »]


