Produit en Anjou – which translates as Made in Anjou – gives recognition to local businesses. The brand name belongs to the Conseil Général de Maine-et-Loire and is awarded to businesses who promote the region, its population and its enterprises by using goods produced in the Maine-et-Loire department.
Our business shares the scheme’s aim of being an ambassador for Anjou where great ideas grow! We’ve been helping businesses to build their brand since 2006, and we do so by working closely with local clients. The PRODUIT EN ANJOU brand compounds everything we do on a daily basis to continue helping local businesses make a name for themselves on a national and international scale in close cooperation with local stakeholders.
It made sense for Desjeux Créations, which offers advertising and training solutions, to be part of this brand as we become more involved with the local economy and associations every year. We promote our region and our expertise to show that Anjou is a pool of talent! This brand is a way of showcasing everything our local businesses have to offer. Good things can be found elsewhere too, but here in Anjou we’re highly skilled, and in all modesty we like to think that our company’s expertise and savoir-faire contributes to raising the region’s profile. We work with our clients in Paris (NDS Technologie France, M6 TV, Public Sénat, Dim – part of the DBAparel group, ADEME International) and in Angers (Podeliha – part of the Val de Loire group, ADEME, Scania Finance), and are always on hand to help them with whatever they need. Now that we’re officially appointed as part of the PRODUIT EN ANJOU scheme, we’ll continue to be an ambassador for our region and fly the flag high and proud. Anjou – a great place to set up business!
Examples of PRODUIT EN ANJOU work produced by our communications agency include: the report for a colloquium on “Using renewable energies to help humanity: current situation and perspectives for 2030 and 2050” (picture opposite) for ADEME International, UNESCO and the CNRS, is 100% “Made in Anjou”. Desjeux Créations, did the graphic design, illustrations (cover: Gérard Berthelot), and editorial work for these two 140-page brochures in French and English. This report summarises an event organised by ADEME International, UNESCO and the CNRS to celebrate the 40th anniversary of renewable energies. “This colloquium (15 September 2013) was a chance to look back at the unprecedented industrial and economic changes in renewable energies and present their prospective growth between now and 2050, in the aim of providing universal access to energy and offering solutions for climate issues”. The wholecommunications project was devised and managed in Les Alleuds, near Angers by our team of communications, graphic design and multilingual layout experts, working closely with ADEME International. Our team spent 3 months working on these two brochures, in French and English (hard version and digital version for the web), for an overall budget of €20,000 excl. VAT.
Another example is our DTP TRAINING FOR ANGERS HOSPITAL: we ran a DTP training course on incorporating DTP with InDesign and understanding the design chain (print and digital). Our training courses are tailored to your needs and 100% “Made in Anjou”.
We provide our advertising consultancy services from our local office in Les Alleuds. Our expertise lies in communication strategy, based on positioning, SWOT analysis (strenghts weaknesses, opportunities and threats), devising messages for each customer base targeted, planning, and reviewing results (ROI). We also help businesses develop marketing tools by producing an advertising plan (graphic design, web development and SEO/SEM referencing) and overseeing production. 80% of our revenue comes from local businesses; 20% from the rest of France. We go to our clients’ premises to review their needs with them, before drawing up our recommendations in our own office. All our graphic design work is done in our studio in Les Alleuds. Depending on the complexity of the project and our client’s needs, we may outsource to other professionals, such as a photographer, illustrator, translator, or specialist web developer, who, 80% of the time are based in the region. Our DTP training and advertising services are delivered both in-house and at our clients’ premises: 80% of training we deliver is in Anjou (Paris, Rouen and Nantes account for the remaining 20%). We will travel all over France. All our course materials are produced in Les Alleuds. For printing, over 80% of everything we design is printed in Anjou, and the rest is produced in France.
By joining the PRODUIT EN ANJOU brand, we hope to enhance the way we engage with our clients even more, by enjoying a mutually beneficial close local relationship which serves to strengthen our clients’ image. The PRODUIT EN ANJOU scheme helps to identify and promote the value of good quality local service based on a Charter of Commitment, which confirms our communications expertise.
More information PRODUIT EN ANJOU