Desjeux Créations is specialised in professional and continuous training on the design chain and communication. We offer a practical and personalised adult training course for getting to grips with and understanding the various stages of the design chain. Our training courses on the design chain and communication and our DTP courses are designed on a bespoke basis and adapted to the level of your skills. Over 20 years of experience in advertising, graphic design, printing and website design have contributed to our knowledge and expertise, which is the basis of our training courses. Our training courses are mostly delivered in the Maine-et-Loire region (49 – Angers and surrounding area), but we are mobile all over France if required. Feel free to contact us for any specific requests.
Corporate communication covers the following elements: Concepts of communication (Wiener’s mechanical model / Shanon and Weaver’s theory on message degradation / Lasswell’s 5W / Bateson’s systemic approach). The advertising strategy and the thought process to be conducted for implementing it (Address a specific issue, determine the orientation). The advertising plan for rolling out the strategy (targets, message, resources, timescale, budget). The communication techniques (press relations, events, crisis communication, advertising, sponsorships, internal communication, finance communication) and the vectors of communication (media: TV, internet, radio, posters, cinema, written press and non-media: trade fairs, events, sponsoring).
The Design Chain covers all the technical processes which turn an idea (depicted by a mock-up) into a printed product, whatever form it may have (brochure, leaflet, poster, newspaper, magazine, headed paper, business card).
This training course on the design chain and communication covers all aspects of this process: design, assembly, photoengraving, print and finish. Each of these stages calls for professional specialists.
Our communication training course allows us to explain our idea of a chain, made up a number of links; each link is dependent on others, therefore each stage of the process must complement the others.
We don’t claim that the topics covered in our design chain course (hard and soft versions) will train you in all the trades that make up the design chain, as each one is a profession in itself requiring specific training, but we aim to give you sufficient information to understand how marketing materials are produced. This is so that whatever “link” you represent in the chain, you will be able to ask the right questions to get the best value for time and money.
Our design chain and communication training course seeks to give you the tools and insight you need to oversee the creation process for producing documents (print and web).
At the end of our training course you will be able to issue specifications and supervise the production of your marketing materials: adverts, publications, interactive tools and websites, logo creation and graphic design, greetings cards and calendars, vehicle wrapping, signage and exhibition stands, using the new QR code feature (2D print to web barcode).
Based in Les Alleuds (49 Maine et Loire) our training courses on corporate communication and the design chain are delivered on our premises but we can also run them at your offices all over the region (Thouarcé, Loire Aubance, Angers and surrounding area, Nantes, Paris)