Marketing direct

What is it direct marketing?

Our Desjeux Créations communication agency accompanies you in the construction of your direct marketing campaign through several actions:

1 – Direct marketing definition: the direct marketing is a privileged means of communication of companies and associations which consists in sending a message personalized in a target (prospect or customer) or to a group of individuals defined undertaken BtoB or particular BtoC in an objective of prospecting or development of customer loyalty. The purpose of the direct marketing is to obtain an immediate and measurable action of the consumer.

2- The direct Marketing in action: our agency accompanies you in the definition of your targets, the geographical (zone premises, France and/or international) (read our expertise in international development), of a relevant and hard-hitting message to invite the customer or the prospect in the action (come in your shop, buy on your Website, to subscribe and/or to give of time or some money to your association). It is also imperative to define well the distribution channel of your direct marketing campaign..

  • The message of an action of direct marketing has to emphasize your assets, your products and services and their differential brands to compared with your market and to your competitors. The message can take various forms:
    • An offer to be immediately seized (reductions, promotions, presents).
    • A new product or a new service.
    • A particular event (open door, lounge, fails …), a special event (launch of a new product), a commercial event (Valentine’s Day), an event bound to the customer (anniversary, party), a recurring event (monthly or weekly newsletter).
  • The selection of the target is a strategic stage of your direct marketing campaign. The quality of your files contacts (prospects and customers) must be excellent to have an impact on your targets. There are several methods to select your target:
    • Build a mailing list Internal: in every passage, in every visit, in every action, try to collect a maximum of information on your customers: civility, name and first name, anniversary, mailing address, email address … You can so establish a more and more qualified file which will allow you to follow up your customers for operations of direct marketing of development of customer loyalty.
    • Buy external mailing lists: you have no mailing lists or you wish to gain new customers. To increase your potential, nothing is worth the purchase of mailing lists following your criteria (geographical, age bracket, center of interest). Our teams accompanies you in this process for an effective and relevant direct action of marketing.
  • The choice of the distribution channel for your direct marketing campaign
    • Marketing direct definition « mailing postal », mailing direct, mailing papier, publipostage pour les envois en nombre.
    • Marketing direct definition « téléphone », phoning ou télémarketing.
    • Marketing direct definition « email marketing », campagne emailing, emailing marketing … (plus d’info sur le emailing)
    • Marketing direct definition « SMS marketing » ou sms pro diffusion vers les mobiles d’un message de 160 caractères en format texte.

3- Direct marketing analyzes and followed: the analysis of your action of direct marketing is simply made: it is a question of measuring the number of sent messages, of analyzing the number of returns and of making a ratio, real messengers / returns, to measure two criteria:
> The cost of the conquest of a new customer whom we also call acquisition cost.
> The cost of development of customer loyalty of a old customer (to what extent my operation is going to make transform an existing customer who would not have come or).

Exemple marketing direct campaign :

Campagne de Marketing direct
Campagne de marketing direct pour Loire conditionnement – définition des cibles, de la zone géographique, achat de fichier qualifié – conception graphique de la lettre – impression et envoi en nombre.